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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2012

Expression pain, relief, and pleasure

Dialogue On the Sunday morning, Aulia, Nurul, Amar, and Panji were jogging in the park. Aulia  : Hey guys, do you know Zulfa? Nurul : Zulfa? The number one? Aulia  : Yes, yesterday, I heard that Zulfa was sick and her parents took her to the hospital. Amar : Really? I feel sorry for her. Panji  : Me, too. When Aulia was talking with her friends, unfortunately, her leg was twisted. Aulia  : Ouch!! My leg!! Panji  : What's happened? Aulia  : My leg is twisted!! Nurul : We must take a rest for a while. Amar : Are you okay Aulia? Aulia  : A little, but the pain is getting worse. Panji  : Well, I will help you. Aulia  : Thank you After that, Panji massaged Aulia's leg. Aulia  : Oh, that's a relief. It's very relaxing. Nurul : Thanks God! by the way, do you want some drinks? Aulia  : Great! Nurul : Okay, I will buy some drinks for you guys. Wait a minute. Aulia, Amar, Panji : Okay, thank you, Nurul! -The End- 

Hamster (Report Text)

Hamster is one of the small mammals. They are belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae. The ir bod ies are not small er th a n our palm and the biggest hamster i s like the rat on the road, depen ding o n its t ype. Hasmter has a small tail , not as the other rat usually. Hasmter ha s long incisor like rabbit. Hamster belongs to nocturnal animal (active at night) , so don’t wonder if they are only sleeping all day . A ctually hasmter includ e to active animal . So , if you want to take care of them, keep them in a wide cage. They are so cute and funny, so they can make everyone who see them  happy because of the ir attitude s . Hamster can’t live extremely in hot weather, because it can make the ir fur become fall out . Keep the temperature of the ir cage and keep it clean by exchange the husk every week or once in three days . Almost same as the rat, hamster belongs to often-reproduce animal. If they have been aged less than 2 years , they are ...

When Our Heart Talk

Assalamu'alaikum. Hi guys! At this opportunity, I will post about expressing surprise, advice and warn. 1. Surprise        • What a small world we’re living in!        • It’s suprising that i get a scholarship!        • Amazing news        • That’s something        • Waw! Fantastic! 2. Advice        • Let me recommend you to finish your task as soon as possible        • Why don’t you try the test once again?        • I suggest you to meet the surgeon        • You’d better go away from him        • I think you should forgive her 3. Warn        • Keep of the grass        • Caution! The floor is wet        • Queue up        • Put in the dry place   ...

Nama Latin Rangka Manusia dan Fungsinya

11.        Tengkorak a.        Os Frontal (Tulang Dahi) ü   Untuk melindungi otak bagian depan b.       Os Zygomatik (Tulang pipi) ü   Untuk membentuk wajah c.        Os Ethmoid ü   Untuk melekatnya organ mata d.       Os Parietal (Tulang ubun-ubun) ü   Untuk melindungi otak dan mengatur suhu tubuh e.       Os Temporal (Tulang Pelvis) f.         Os Occipetal(Tulang kepala belakang) ü   Melindungi otak bagian saraf mata g.        Os Nasal (Tulang hidung) ü   Untuk membentuk wajah ü   Saluran pernafasan h.       Os Maksila (Rahang atas) ü   Untuk pelekatan gigi atas ü   Membantu pengunyahan makanan i.          Os M...

Introducing My Self

Assalamu'alaikum^^ Let me introducing my self My name is Aulia Maulidina Kusumawardani You can call me Dina Latief. Latief named my grandfather mean gentle I was born on Pontianak, 31st July 1996 I am student of Senior High School number 1 Pontianak. XI Science 6 (Sechsie) Motto ; I'm proud being muslimah nice to meet you on my blog. don't forget to follow me and leave a comment^^